January 26th - L’Auditori Barcelona, ES
January 31st - Brutus Rotterdam, NL
March 8th - Elevate Festival,- Acousmonium Graz,(AT)
March 14th - Leuven Jazz Festival w/ Merope
January 27th - 4th February - Oceanic Refractions CTM Festival, (Berlin DE)
February 10th - Alessandro Cortini + KMRU, Barbican(UK)
February 17th - Kilele Summit, Nairobi, KE
February 23rd - Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, IT
March 7th - Sonic Acts Biennale, Amstedam, NL
March 15th - MaerzMusik, Berlin, DE
March 18th - Phi Centre, Montreal PQ (postponed)
March 19th - Boston City Hall, Boston MA
March 20th - Public Records w/Nyokabi Kariũki, Brooklyn NY
March 21st - Warhol Museum, Pittsburg PA
March 22nd - Renaissance Society, Chicago IL
March 24th - Big Ears Festival, Knoxville TN
March 28th - The Fruit, Durham,NC
March 30th - The Lab, San Francisco CA
April 3rd - 2220 Arts+ Archive, Los Angeles
April 20th - SONICA 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia
May 3rd - Casa Montjuic, (Barcelona, ES)
May 15th- Strange Brew, Bristol
May 16th- Arts Catalyst, Sheffield
May 17th- The white Hotel, Manchester
May 18th- The Flying Duck, Glasgow
June 01 - Up To Date Festival, Poland
June 22- Creamcake: Is it cold in the water, Berlin, DE
June 27th - Flurstücke, Munster, DE
June 28h - Glastonbury, UK
July 13th - La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
July 20th - Odysseus Festival, Helsinki, FL
August 24th - Frim Festival (VAKA + KMRU) Stockholm
August 19 -25th - EMS residency (Elvin Brandhi & KMRU)
August 25th - Sept 2nd - Ortigia Sound System / FERLA Residency
September 01 - ECHO Risonanze Territorial - Ferla Sicily
September 20th - Roulette, Brooklyn NY
September 22nd - Making Time, Philadelphia, PA
September 24th - Age of Relfections w/ Caterina Barbieri, Chicago,IL
September 26th - Talk Low Festival, Cinncinati, OH
October 9th - Abrupt Festival w/ KRM , Brussels, BE
October 11TH - VIDEODROOM 2024, Ghent, BE
November 2nd - Présences électronique 20 ans w/ Aho Ssan, Paris FR
November 9th - Le Guess Who? w/ KRM
12th February - Kaserne, Basel
24th February - KMRU / Aho Ssan LIMEN LIVE - Menor Festival de Música (PT )
17th March - KMRU + Aho Ssan LIMEN LIVE , Condeduque (Madrid, ES)
19th March - Birds of Paradise Festival, (Utrecht, NL)
31/1st - March/Aprill - Sátántangó Live (Berlin, DE)
15th April - PRÉSENCES Électronique INA GRM
May 6th - Horst Festival
May 12th - Wansee Contemporary (Berlin, DE)
May 27th - WAI8 (Berlin, DE)
Extant / PITE / SPIVEY / FORSYTHE ( Antwerp, BE)
June 3
June 4th
June 7th
June 8th
June 9th
June 10th
June 11th
June 15th - Playback NSW Art Gallery - (Sydney AU)
June 16th - DARK MOFO - Borderlands - (Tasmania, AU)
Extant/ PITE / SPIVEY / FORSYTHE (Ghent, BE)
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 27
June 29
June 30
August 17th - Sala Lisa (KMRU + DJ caring) (Lisboa, PT)
August 15th - 21st Patch Point Lisboa Residency
August 26th -29th Sharja Arhitechure Triennial
September 1st - INOTA Festival, (Budapest, HU)
September 6-10th - Prix Ars Electronica (Temporary Stored Exhibition)
September 14th - Synapse Again- Meet Factory, Prague
September 17th - Berlin Atonal w/ Elvin Brandhi (A|||oy)
September 28th - Volume, (Sydney, AU) - installation
September 28th - St.Georges, Bristol (UK)
September 30th - SONICA. Glasgow(UK)
October 4th. - AIL - Struma+Iodine, Vienna (AT)
October 15th- - Klankvorm, Radio Kootwijk, (NL)
Octber 20th - DeSchool, Amsterdam (NL)
October 21st - Nicosia Open Up Festival. (CY)
November 2nd - The Villa, Oslo (NO)
November - 10th - Galeria Municipal do Porto,(PO)
November 12th. - Sharjar Architecture Triennial -(UAE)
November 16th - Pioneer Works, Perfroma - NY
15th January - London Contemporary Orchestra: 24 (Barbican , UK)
27th January - Cafe OTO (UK)
Big Thief Tour (UK)
24th February - Manchester Academy (Manchester, UK)
25th February - Barrowland Ballroom (Glasgow, UK)
26th February - The National Stadium, Dublin Ireland.
27th February - O2 Academy Bristol, (UK)
2nd March - O2 Empire Shepherds Bush (London, UK)
5th March - O2 Empire Shepherds Bush (London, UK)
11th March - STUK (BE)
17th March - Arkaoda (DE)
26th March - Maerz Muzik (DE)
US Tour
28th March - HOLOCENE, Portland OR w/ Fennesz
29th March - The Lab, Sanfrancisco, CA w/ Fennesz
30th March - Zebulon, Los Angeles, CA w/ Fennesz
April 1st - Quai 5160 - OK LÀ (CA)
April 2nd - Ambient Church, Manhattan, NY w/ Fennesz
April 3rd - Public Records ( NY)
April 5th - Send + Receive, Winnipeg, MB w/ Fennesz
April 7th - Mission Creek Festival , Iowa City, IA
April 9th - Brickside Festival, Durham, NC w/ Fennesz
May 19th - STONE ISLAND PRESENTS BERLIN curated by C2C Festival (DE)_
May 27th - Munchmuseum (NO)
May 28th - WIENER FEST WOCHEN : Tribute to Peter Rehberg (AT)
Big Thief Tour (EU)
June 5th - La Cigale , Paris, (FR)
June 6th - La Cigale , Paris(FR)
June 7th - Transbordeur, Lyon (FR)
June 8th - Primavera Festival Barcelona (ES)
June 14th - Filadelfiakyrkan , Stockholm ( SE)
June 19th - Kulturhuset i Bergen (SE)
June 20th - Rockefeller Music Hall , Oslo (SE)
June 21st - Pustervik, Gothenburg (SE)
June 23rd - Live Music Hall, Cologne, (DE)
June 25th - Les Siestes , Toulouse, (FR)
June 27th - Tivoli Vredenburg , Utrecht (NL)
June 28th - Cirque Royal, Brussels (BE)
July 1st - fabrik, Hamburg ( DE)
July 4th - Huxleys, Berlin (DE)
August 4th - DEKMANTEL (NL)
August 7th - Tresor Festival, Kraftwerk w/ Aho Ssan
August 13th - Way Out West (SE_
August 14th - Flow Festival (FN)
Augsut 20th. - Internationales Sommerfestival (DE)
August 28th - Les Digitales 2022 (CH)DA
September 10th - WOS Festival: Limen w/ Aho Ssan (ES)]
September 15th - SAVVY Contemporary (DE)
October 1st - Reforest Inner - Outer ( Brooklyn NY)
October 7th - Extreme Chill Festival , (IS)
October 8th - Publics: Today is Our Tomorrow (FN)
October 28th - Semibreve Festival, (PT)
November 10th - Le Guess Who?: Limen w/ Aho Ssan (NL)
November 12th - Mira Festival : Limen w/ Aho Ssan ,(ES)
November 19th - SOUND/IMAGE22 (UK)
November 22nd - Linecheck Festival, San Fedele (IT)
November 25th- Southbank Centre: KMRU X LCO
December 15th. - Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, (FR)
December 31 - Beneath the Baobabs Festival (KE)
January 11th - Variations w/ KMRU
January 30th - lapsus radio/ 299
February 8th - Variations w/ KMRU
February 10th- CAMP FR/ KMRU
March 8th - Variations w/ FRKTL
March 28th - Maerzmusik Festival : TIMEPIECE
May 8th - MUTEK ES
May 6-9th rewire : KMRU & Donna Verheijden
May 27th - Etnoscopic 2021. (ES)
June 18th - INTONAL (SE)
June 26th - LOOP Create
July 2nd : HOR Berlin
July 24th - Listening Biennial (Berlin)
July 29th : Beach Brew Festival (IT)
August 4th : Berghain : Hangout /Klubgarten (DE)
August 15th: PICNIC FM (DE)
August 19th : UNSAFE SOUNDS (AT)
August 27th: Ephemera Festival (PL)
September 5th - Heart of Noise (AT)
September 9th - s+r festival (CA) <acousmatic>
September 10th -WOS Festival (ES)
Semptember 17th : Berlin-Rom Express 2021 (IT)
September 24th : Akademie Schloss Solitude (DE)
September 25th - ATONAL (DE)
September 30th - Sampler Sampled Record Release Concert (DE)
October 1st - By:larm Festival (NO)
October 2nd - maintenant festival (FR)
October 8th - musikprotokall festival (AT)
October 14th - KMRU: volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (DE)
October 23rd - Insomnia Festival (NO)
November 4th - Coventry Biennale
November 14th - InFiné 15 ans x Centquatre- (FR)
December 4th - Tectonics Festival (GR)
December 6th - Madeira Dig 2021 Festival for Digital Music & Arts (PT)
December 12th- MAAT Museum : KMRU & Polido (PT)
January 25th - CADSR (KE)
March 1-10 - Mutek AI Lab (CA)
March 7th- Mutek AI Lab (CA)
April 13th - Internet Public Radio (MX)
April 22nd - Reform Radio (UK)
April 24th - Loop (DE) Postponed (2021)*
May 7th - In Between Spaces Broadcast
May 9th - XOLO x Threads Radio Takeovers
May 11th - Internet Public Radio w/ Aho Ssan
May 12- 22nd - Gamma Lab XR
May 28th - Sonic Agecny w/ KMRU : Variation
June 5-6th - Digital Latitude Festival (Goethe)
June 8th - Variations w/ Desi La
July 4th - S I G N A (A/V): Common livestream
July 11th - Caartier 4 Everyone w/ MT Hall : Variation Radiophonic
July 13th - Variations w/ Kohen Solar
July 17th - Bruised Skies w/ KMRU (Balamii)
August 3rd- Transience w/ KMRU (Cashmere)
August 14th - Common Livestream
September 1st - NTS
September 14th - Variations w/KMRU
September 19th- FLEE presents: KMRU (Dublab)
October 9th - Unsound Festival: ∞ o'clock
October 12th -Variation w/ Kim Kahan (JP)
October 19th - Rinse fm, Peev w/ KMRU
October 21st - ADE : Field Recording with KMRU
October 25th -KST w/ KMRU
October 29th- NTS , Foodman w/KMRU
November 9th - Variations w/ Pier Alfeo
November 10th - Radio Kapital : Cold World w/ KMRU
November 13th - Anecumene (9128)
December 12th - Common Immersive
December 13th - Untraining the ear Listening Station [SAVVY CONTEMPORARY]
December 14th - Variations w/ ACAPTCHA
February 3rd- CTM Festival (DE)
February 22nd - NTS
March 8th - Mbuzi Party (KE)
April 6th- Oscillate (Muze)(KE)
April 9th- Bloop London (Radio)
April 13th- Junglab (KE)
May 7th - Bloop London
May 10-23- Gamma Festival Lab AI (RU)
May 21 - Sound Art Museum (RU)
July 4- Radio Sygma (RU)
July 13th - Gamma Festival (RU)_AI stage
July 14th- Blank (RU)
August 22nd - The Alchemist (KE)
August 28th- Lamu (KE)
August 31st- Alliance Française, Mombasa (KE)
Septemeber 4th - Alliance Française, Nairobi (KE)
September 5-8th NyegeNyege Festival (UG)
September 13th- Cashmere Radio (SpacesOfHope)
September 18th- NTS
October 7th- Rinse FM
November 10th- Abuja Art Week-(NG)
December 31st- KILIFI NYE
Nyegenyege Festival Sept 6 (UG)
Earth Dance Festival Sept 22 (KE)
Rave Rapture Sept 29 (UG)



Photo Archive
Villa Massimo

WOS Festival
photographers: Leticia T. Blanco (IG: @leticiatblanco) and Laura Pose (IG: @punto_suspensivos)

musikprotokall (dom im berg)
ORF musikprotokoll im steirischen herbst. 7. – 10.10.2021

Maintenant Festival
Gwendal Le Flem/ 2021

MAAT= Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology
photos by
Filipa Aurélio

InFiné 15 ans @ 104
Photos by Florian Lambert

STUK/ NSD©3 - Leuven

Stone Island x C2C Berlin
photo by Kurt Heiter,

Dekmantel 2022
photo courtesy of Dekmantel.

Tresor 31
LIMEN Premiere w/ Aho Ssan
photos by frankie casillo

Extreme Chill Festival, Reykjavík
photos by eerie

Semibreve 2022, Braga
Credits: Adriano Ferreira Borges / Semibreve.

Mira Festival 2022, Barcelona
LIMEN w/ Aho Ssan
photos by Alba Ruperez

KMRU - Linecheck Opening Event
Auditorium San Fedele
photos by Aurora Ruggeri

KMRU x LCO : Southbank Center, Purcell Session
photo courtesy of Southbank

EXTANT: 2023

Photo courtesy of Filip Van Roe
wai8 long durational , Silent Green

photo courtesy of Udo Siegfriedt
Dark Mofo, Tasmania, AU 2023
Credit: @monsieurremi


Photos by : Marcella Ruiz Cruz
SONICA, glasgow, UK
Photos by Neil Jarvie
Listening Affect, Porto

photos by Dinis Santos
Sonica Festival, Ljubljana
photo by Katja Goljat

Art Catalyst, Sheffield, UK, photos by James Clarkson
Up To Date Festival, Białystok

photos by Karpiński & Monika Kozak
Creamcake Berlin,
Is it cold in the water?, 2024, image by Ink Agop

abrupt festival, KRM/ KMRU
@blithewilliams & @marindriguez